Get Involved
There are many ways you can get involved with the Axbridge Carnival - putting in an entry, as a volunteer steward or as part of the committee. Choose your option below.
Enter The Carnival
There are many ways you can be in the Carnival parade. Children may wish to enter our competition to be part of the Axbridge Blackberry Carnival Royalty.
Or you maybe part of a team looking to enter a tractor pulled float. Build a pull-along trailer showcasing your creative talents. Dance your way along the route as part of a troupe. Be a walking entry - like the elderly Barbie & Ken we had last year. Or even be a football team showing off your ball skills.
Whatever you fancy you can apply to be in the carnival by clicking below - be sure to read the Terms & Conditions.
To make the Blackberry Carnival run smoothly we need an army of volunteers. If you would like to join us use the form below to let us know. We have a number of jobs that need doing in particular this year we need volunteer litter pickers and stewards who would need to cover 3-4 hour shifts on 21st September 2024.
Stewards are needed to staff the carnival route and help us keep visitors and participants safe as the procession passes through the Town. We also need a small number of Litter pickers during and after the event to help us return the wonderful Medieval square back to the state we found it!
Any time you can dontate to the help us run this wonderful event will make a huge differnce - but please do keep the following in mind: